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About Dentures


If you’ve lost all of your natural teeth, whether from periodontal disease, tooth decay or injury, complete dentures can replace your missing teeth and your smile. Replacing missing teeth will benefit your appearance and your health. Without support from the denture, facial muscles sag, making a person look older. You’ll be able to eat and speak—things that people often take for granted until their natural teeth are lost.


As you can see in the image on the right, dentures come in many shapes and sizes. Some examples include full dentures, partial dentures, over dentures, immediate dentures, precision partial dentures, and implant retained dentures. These dentures can be created to chew against natural teeth, fixed bridges, implant supported crowns or bridges, or almost any other type of dental prosthesis.

  • Prevents exisiting teeth from drifting into surrounding space of the missing teeth

  • Teeth out of position can damage tissues in the mouth

  • Helps to chew food

Benefits of Dentures

Types of Dentures

Removable dentures

Complete dentures or Full dentures are used when all the teeth are

missing . Complete dentures can be either "conventional" or

"immediate". The framework of complete dentures may be made

of resin, metal or a combination.


A conventional full denture is made and placed in the patient's

mouth after the remaining teeth are removed and tissues have

healed which may take several months. An immediate complete

denture is inserted as soon as the remaining teeth are removed.

We take measurements and make models of the patient's jaws

during a preliminary visit.


Implant supported overdentures are an alternate to conventional dentures whereby a full dentures is placed over the dental implants with metal bar/balls that gives better retention.


Partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain.


A removable partial denture usually consists of replacement teeth attached

to a pink or gum-colored plastic base, which is connected by metal clasps

or precision attachments that holds the denture in place in the mouth.

Precision attachments are generally more esthetic than metal clasps

and they are nearly invisible.

Immediate dentures are made in advance and can be positioned as soon

as the teeth are removed. As a result, the wearer does not have to be

without teeth during the healing period. However, bones and gums

shrink over time, especially during the healing period following tooth

removal therefore immediate dentures would usually require more

adjustments to fit properly during the healing process and generally

should only be considered a temporary solution until conventional

dentures can be made. The healing process as it can take months for

your bone and tissue to stabilize after tooth extractions.


Not everyone is a candidate for an immediate denture. Some people may be advised against this treatment, due to general health conditions, or because of specific oral problems.

Removable partial dentures are for patients who are missing some

of their teeth on a particular arch.

Removable Partial Dentures with cast metal frameworks offer numerous

advantages over the conventional partial dentures commonly used. The

frameworks of these dentures are cast to fit the teeth. Since they sit on

the teeth, as well as being attached to them, they are extremely stable

and retentive. The teeth have to be altered slightly beforehand in order

that the partial denture can rest upon them without interfering with the

way the patient bites the teeth together.


The metal framework does not contact the gums. Thus, as the gums resorb,

this type of partial denture does not sink with them and rarely requires

relining. Because the teeth are altered beforehand, there are fewer limitations in the placement of clasps, and they are less likely to be seen than the wrought wire clasps of the conventional treatment partial denture. Modern frameworks are cast from an extremely strong alloy called chrome cobalt which can be cast very thin and are much less likely to break than the all plastic variety. They are also much less noticeable to the tongue.


​The largest single advantage that cast metal framework partial dentures have over the other types of partials is that sore spots are almost never an issue since neither the framework, nor the plastic extensions contact the soft oral tissues with any force! Patients who exhibit the symptoms of TMJ, or who are known bruxers are much better off with cast metal partials than with flexible framework partials


A dental flipper is the least expensive way to replace a missing tooth.

Often it is used as a temporary tooth replacement while you wait for

a dental bridge or for healing after a dental implant is placed.


A dental flipper is made out of acrylic. It is made by taking an

impression of your mouth, and then a plaster cast is poured. The

cast is sent to a laboratory with a prescription that includes the shade

of the tooth. An acrylic tooth is selected that most closely matches

the shade of your teeth and a pink plate is molded to fit your palate

(on the upper) or to fit just inside the tongue side of your teeth

(on the lower).


For a little extra cost, wires with little ball ends can be placed to help secure the dental flipper in your mouth. Otherwise, it is secured by the pink acrylic snapping between your teeth. A dental flipper is meant to be temporary. The flipper pressess somewhat on the gums and therefore is not very healthy for the gums. They also break easily, and it can be difficult to eat with them. They may not be strong enough to eat on and may have to be removed for meals.


Insurance companies typically will pay their portion for the interim denture or the final denture, but not both.




Introducing VALPLAST Flexible Dentures


Flexible partial dentures are the comfortable, beautiful, and affordable

choice. It was long thought that removable partial  dentures had to be

rigid to be effective. The innovation of the  Valplast Flexible Partial

allows the restoration to adapt to the constant movement and flexibility

in your mouth.


This is the underlying thinking behind Valplast's innovative flexible,

removable partial denture. The flexibility, combined with strength and

light weight, provides total comfort and great looks!


The preparation is relatively simple because your natural teeth don't need to be altered in any way. The Valplast partial is virtually invisible because there are no telltale metal clasps and the material itself blends with the tissue in your mouth so that the only thing that shows is your beautiful smile.


When considering a removable partial, many people find the Valplast Flexible Partial to be the most comfortable option, and the final restoration can be made very quickly! While the cost is often higher than a partial made with visible metal clasps, the results of the flexible partial are beautiful, and patient satisfaction is very high. The Valplast flexible partial involves only non-invasive procedures, and gives you confidence in your restoration while talking, eating, and most importantly: smiling!

  • Comfortable

  • Non-Invasive

  • Virtually Invisible

  • Affordable

  • Lifetime Guarantee




An overdenture looks like a complete denture (CD) ; but unlike

a complete denture, not all of the teeth are removed. The

abutment teeth provide support for the overdenture .


These are dentures that rest on top of any short, remaining teeth in

the mouth. Frequently, these teeth need endodontic treatment

(root canal therapy). They can then be modified or protected. This

is an excellent option when there are still existing teeth that may

not be able to support the functions of the mouth alone.


An implant overdenture is a type of overdentures that uses dental implants

to permanently support the denture in the mouth. This is a great option for

denture wearers because of it's many advantages. They are held in place and

very strong so there is no need to worry about loose dentures while eating or

talking. Cleaning is also simplified and the implants help prevent bone loss so

the need for a dentures reline goes out the window. The downside is that

implants are expensive, but the success rate and technology involved

mean that few implants are needed to do the job.


An implant overdenture is a full denture used to replace an edentulous arch.

This means that all the teeth are missing. While it is better to prevent the need

to have dentures, if you are going to get them, you want dentures that will last,

look good and allow you to eat and speak uninhibited. These are all common

complaints concerning dentures. Cosmetic dentures are made to look as real as possible but still move around like normal dentures. Soft dentures help with the stability issues but there is still only so much they can do. This is where implants come in handy.


The most important aspect of an implant overdenture is the dental implant that is used to secure the denture. Implants are a dental device that uses titanium and special dental implant surgery to provide a secure anchor in the mouth. They are often used for a single tooth or an dental implant bridge, but they are so strong that merely a few could support a whole denture. This is because the implants are anchored directly into the bone and bond with the bone in a way that only titanium can. While expensive, these dentures are often the best long term solution for replacing so many teeth.


If you have an existing denture that moves or have very limited bone an Implant retained bar denture may be right for you. The bar denture is designed to stabilize a denture. The dentures are removable and they snap into place when they engage the bar.


A removable full denture is connected to a bar attachment, which in turn is anchored on two to six implants in the jaw. The implants help keep the denture securely in place and provide better function and comfort. It actually snaps and locks into place. With four to six implants and the connector bar, this option is extremely stable and almost feels like natural teeth. Overdentures also replace lost gum and bone and can vastly improve facial appearance. Cost is usually the reason why this solution is chosen over a fixed bridge.


A fixed bridge is not removable. A removable overdenture has implants under the denture. An overdenture is a great solution for someone that already has dentures. Many times I can use your existing dentures and just attach implants to them!


An upper denture usually needs more implants than a lower one. This is due to the soft bone of the upper jaw. The worst thing you can do is "under-engineer" any overdenture. They endure a tremendous amount of force and will fail in a few years if they are poorly designed or have to few implants. It would be like constructing a building and skimping on the foundation.


Hybrid dentures allow people to gain back most of their teeth in the

form of a bridge which has some components like a denture (such as

gum tissue), but is fixed on the supporting implants. It is not removable.


Hybrid dentures are most frequently used when there is a lot of bone

loss, which happens if you've been a long-term denture wearer. The

hybrid restoration supplies both teeth and artificial gums to give you

back proper facial support and offers the best aesthetic control. In the

upper jaw, we usually need to have six implants while on the lower, we

can usually use between 4- 5 implants.


Click here to view a Hybrid Denture case study from our clinic


Click here to view another Hybrid Denture case study from our clinic


The Advanced Dental Care Centre Difference

Dr. Anshu and her staff can customize your dentures for you, you too can have a beautiful, natural smile. The meticulous attention to design and detail will also improve chewing and overall function. "As a replacement for no teeth, dentures have always been conspicuously artificial in appearance. Our customization process provides a smile that is so incredibly natural that even I can't tell," says Dr. Anshu

We provide world class dentures in India.

  1. First Evaulation and dentures site preparation

    • if tooth extraction is required, the teeth are extracted and left to heal

  2. Making the dentures

    • Once the gums are healed and healthy, an impression of the mouth is taken for a wax-up

    • The wax-up is used to determine the most optimal position of the jaw and teeth dimensions (size, shape, length, width)

    • The wax up is sent to a dental laboratory to construct a "try-in" set of denture

  3. Trial of "try-in" set of dentures and re-adjustments

    • The "try-in' denture are placed in the mouth to assure comfort, fit, bite position and appearance

    • The "try-in" dentures are re-worked in the labs and trail fitted during next visits until the color, shape and proper fit is obtained for the final set of dentures to be cast

  4. Fitting of final dentures


For immediate dentures, impression-taking and the wax-up is first done before tooth extraction.

Procedure for Conventional Dentures Treatment

Dental Implants and Dentures

Click here is to learn more about dental implants.

Recovery from getting dentures may be a two-step process. If extractions are necessary, patients can expect the recovery of their gums to take up to 4 weeks or longer.


Once healed and the dentures are placed, the patient will need time to adjust to the new teeth. While patients can speak normally within a few hours, they may experience minor discomfort when eating or chewing. This discomfort may last from several days to a few weeks until the muscles of your cheek and tongue learn to keep them in place and you get comfortable inserting and removing them. It is recommended that patients with new dentures eat soft foods until they become comfortable with chewing.


​it is not unusual for minor irritation or soreness to occur and for saliva flow to increase when you first start wearing dentures, but these problems will diminish as your mouth adjusts to the new denture.

Recovery Expectations

  1. Dentures should be removed at night to give the gums a rest and to reduce the pressure on the underlying bone or as directed by your dentist

  2. Regular denture care includes brushing your denture with a denture brush and a denture paste after eating. Dentures can collect plaque and food stains

  3. Keep your dentures in water to avoid drying out and distorting.

  4. Dentures can and may break if dropped onto a hard surface, thus becareful when handling them.

  5. Clean and massage your gums and tongue with a regular soft-bristled toothbrush to help keep them healthy


Goto section on Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Dentures


Call us today for more information on dentures.

Click here to see our Smile Gallery with some case studies from our clinic.

Care for Dentures

Dentures FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

An immediate dentures is a full prosthesis that is placed right after (same day) the teeth are extracted.

What is an immediate denture?

A denture reline is the process of adding acrylic to the pink base material of the denture to fill in where it no longer fits due to bone resorption.

What is a denture reline?

Here is an example of a lower removable partial denture (RPD). The missing teeth are replaced by plastic or porcelain teeth supported by a metal framework. A removable partial denture can replace one or more missing teeth and can be constructed of acrylic,metal or a flexible dental resin which is metal free.


The metal style partial is the most common type and is considered stronger and more hygienic. It consists of a connected metal frame work which attaches to your existing natural teeth with small metal clasps.


Partials help to restore the function of chewing as well as bringing back your beautiful smile!


This type of prosthesis (Denture) has the advantage of economy (many teeth can be provided for a relatively lower cost than fixed bridges or implants). And, it is easy to clean and maintain.


The disadvantages of the RPD are that it doesn't stimulate the bone the way natural teeth or implants would, so the amount of bone below the plate will decrease over time. And, the RPD can cause an esthetic problem, especially on the upper, if the clasps that hold it in are visible toward the front of the mouth.


To solve this problem, we sometimes make a denture that is retained by implants submerged in the bone.


The denture is still removable, but there are no clasps because the RPD is retained by the implants.

What is a RPD

Flexible partials are a quality premium product that offer comfort, esthetics, function and bio-compatibility.Flexible partials are made from a denture base resin that is non -allergenic, thin, lightweight, resilient and flexible. The advantages to wearing a flexible partial is the invisible clasps that surround the natural teeth as well as the easy maintenance.


Using a retento-grip tissue bearing technique for retention, flexible partials are easy to wear and easy to maintain. Most of these type of partials are also guaranteed against breakage.


​Esthetically the translucent material blends naturally with the tissue and gums and no more unsightly metal clasps.

Flexible Partial Dentures

Actually, there is no real "lifetime" to a denture. Some can last twenty or thirty years, or longer, if made and maintained correctly.

How long do dentures last?

It varies depending on whether the denture is full or partial, and whether the denture is implant retained or resting on natural soft tissue. If the case is implant supported, each implant will cost extra, including the fees to the periodontist who places the implant(s), and all the related costs from the restorative end. Please contact us for an estimate.

How much do dentures cost?

How do I know if I am a candidate for an immediate, tissue-supported, removable, or implant-supported denture?

​The answer to this question is best resolved through a comprehensive exam and treatment plan. In our office, we offer an initial exam at no cost to the patient.

It's true - some dentures can cause sore spots from time to time. If this occurs, either a minor adjustment or a reline will usually resolve the matter.

What about sore spots? I have heard that dentures can be uncomfortable.

Yes, dentures can sometimes crack or break. When they are made correctly, this is very rare.

What about breakage. Do dentures ever break?

Actually, full or partial dentures can be made to look very lifelike. And, with the exception of certain foods, denture wearers can usually eat a fairly normal diet.

Do dentures look good? And can I chew anything I like?

​Your appearance is one reason. Another is that the gap left by a missing tooth can mean greater strain is put on the teeth at either side. A gap can also mean your ‘bite’ is affected, because the teeth next to the space can lean into the gap and alter the way the upper and lower teeth bite together. This can then lead to food getting packed into the gap, which causes both decay and gum disease.

Why should I replace missing teeth?

This depends on the number of teeth missing and on where they are in the mouth. The condition of the other teeth also affects the decision. There are two main ways to replace the missing teeth. The first is with a removable false tooth or teeth – a partial denture. The second is with a fixed bridge. A bridge is usually used where there are fewer teeth to replace, or when the missing teeth are only on one side of the mouth.

How are missing teeth replaced?

This is a plate with a number of false teeth on it. It may be all plastic or a mixture of metal and plastic. Both types may have clips (clasps), to help keep the denture in place in the mouth. Depending on where they are, some of these clips may show when you smile or open your mouth.

What is a partial denture?

Usually plastic, and occasionally porcelain. Each replacement tooth is made specially, to get the right shape, colour and size for you.

What are the replacement teeth made of?

​Plastic partial dentures are less expensive to make. But unless they are designed very carefully they can damage the teeth they fit against. Metal partial dentures are usually from an alloy of cobalt and chromium and they are much stronger. They are lighter to wear and can be supported by the remaining teeth. Although the base is metal, they have gum-coloured plastic and natural-looking teeth fixed to them. They are more expensive than the plastic ones.

What is the difference between a plastic partial denture and one that contains metal?

Be guided by your dentist. He or she will know the condition of your remaining teeth. In most cases a metal-based partial denture gives the best result, but the higher cost may make you decide against it.

How do I choose the best type for me?

The general rule is: brush, soak, brush. Always clean your dentures over a bowl of water or a folded towel in case you drop them. Brush your dentures before soaking, to help remove any food debris. The use of an effervescent denture cleaner will help remove stubborn stains and leave your denture feeling fresher – always follow the manufacturers’ instructions - then brush the dentures again, as you would your own teeth, being careful not to scrub too hard as this may cause grooves in the surface. Most dentists advice using a small to medium headed toothbrush and toothpaste. Make sure you clean all the surfaces of the dentures, including the surface which comes into contact with your gums. This is especially important if you use any kind of denture fixative.
If you notice a build up of stains or scale, have your denture cleaned by your dentist or hygienist.

How do I look after my denture?

​Yes. Leave it in water to stop it warping.

Should I take my denture out at night?

The main alternative is a fixed bridge. This is made by putting crowns on the teeth at either side of the space, and then joining these two crowns together by placing a false tooth in the space. This is all made in the laboratory and then the pieces are cemented into place with special adhesives. The bridge can’t be removed.

What is the alternative to a partial denture?

​Yes, if you have enough strong teeth with good bone support. Your dentist will help you decide which is the best way of replacing them within your budget.

Can I always have a bridge to replace missing teeth?

​Bridges usually made of a precious metal. If the bridge will show, porcelain is then bonded to the base. Sometimes, there are other non-precious metals used in the base for strength.

What are bridges made of?

You need to clean your bridge every day, to prevent problems such as bad breath and gum disease. You also have to clean under the false tooth every day. Your dentist or hygienist will show you how to use a bridge needle or special floss, as a normal toothbrush cannot reach.

How do I look after my bridge?

There are other methods, such as using a combination of crowns and partial dentures that can keep the retaining clips out of sight. These are quite specialised dentures, so you should ask your dentist about them.

Are there other methods for fixing false teeth?

Yes. By having implants. The success of this technique means you may be able to replace missing teeth without crowning other teeth. Our leaflet on implants explains this in detail. Remember that it’s as important to care for your remaining teeth as it is to replace the missing ones

Can I have teeth which attach to the jawbone?

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